Get Involved!
The UFO is a volunteer organization, and we rely on each other for fellowship, local activity coordination, and leadership.
Volunteer Opportunities include:
Board Members
Web editor (Wix experience helpful)
IT or related experience for tasks involving MailChimp email campaigns
Financial Advisor
Grant Writer
Event Organizers or local hosts (Fly-Ins/Fly-Outs, luncheons, Air Show booths, etc.),
Local and Regional Coordinators
Other talents you can bring to enhance the organization--we are open for ideas!
We all speak “airplane” and love doing so. The more you participate, the greater the satisfaction you will feel and the more fun you will have doing it.​
Getting together with other UFOs is one of the highlights of membership. Gatherings happen when members like you make them happen. We can help! Read our "How To" checklist here, and contact us if you have questions or need funds for a banner or other expense.
Support or Lead
Ask about serving as a Local or Regional Contact, helping connect UFOs in your area with each other.
Or, volunteer for a position that uses other skills and talents you might have: financial, IT, record keeping, or a leadership role.
Use your UFO Membership Directory and call another member (or several!) Create your own gathering for breakfast or lunch at a local airport or restaurant.
Join a conversation on the UFO Facebook page.