Approved by the Officers and Board of Directors - Feb 19, 2014
1. THE PURPOSE is to promote longevity and safety in aviation; to represent the interests of senior pilots worldwide; to inspire youth to fly; and to promote fellowship among senior pilots.
2. MEMBERSHIP is open to any pilot who has flown as Pilot in Command in any Class or Category of aircraft while in compliance with the legal requirements applicable in the nation issuing his/her flight authority, on or after reaching the age of eighty (80).
3. DIRECTORS are elected by and act on behalf of the members. Director’s three-year terms expire on the last day of the month of each anniversary of their appointment.
4. OFFICERS are elected by the Board. Terms are three years. Their terms expire on the last day of the month of the three-year anniversary of their appointment.
The Officers shall include:
5. AN ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING or Regional Meetings will be held at a time and place(s) determined periodically by the Board of Directors.
6. DUES shall be specified by the Board of Directors. Payment is due annually, or to accompany an application for membership. Non-payment will result in lapse of membership.
7. THE LIABILITY of each member shall be limited to the payment of annual dues.
On Nov. 2, 1982, eight pilots joined J.L. Robinson at a meeting to form the United Flying Octogenarians. At that time, a total of 31 pilots had mailed their $20* membership fee and all 31 are considered our charter members. Five of them (J.L. Robertson, Harold Hoekstra, T. Jacks, Aubrey Stains and E.K. Bates) are signatories to UFO's first charter signed in November 1982.
John Miller, aviation pioneer, barnstormer, auto-gyro airmail pilot, US Navy test pilot, airline pilot, and UFO charter Member, served as President of the United Flying Octogenarians from 1989 to 2000. He was the author of countless articles and experiences of aviation interest. It was John who coined the phrase "from Jennies to Jets" the story of his life, a boy who bought a Jenny for $2,000, taught himself to fly and became a commercial airline Captain flying DC-8's.
In 1988, the LA Times quoted one of the founding members, Fred Jacobs, saying that UFO had exceeded 100 dues paying members. By 2007, membership was being reported as over 600.
2011 saw membership take off when a proactive mailing program was instituted to contact all pilots 78 and older. In early 2022, UFO's membership stood over 1,600 pilots, and grew to around 1,700 by 2024.