A Piece of Your Soul
If you have ever danced with the clouds in the sky, chased your shadow across the plains and seen the blackness of the night from the air…. seen it streaked with flashes of light in the distance as the day refuses to die, then you know the glory of flight. Once you have been bounced about while skirting thunderstorms, flown through the middle of round rainbows and piloted an aircraft all alone on a sunset flight,….once you have done all that, flying becomes a piece of your soul.
When you are 20 life is eternal. When you reach 40 you begin to sober up. If you are a pilot at 60, you pray every time your medical comes due. At 70 you realize the day will come when you have to give up that little piece of your soul.
You cling to it, relish every flight. As you cinch the ropes tight after every flight you wonder how many more times you will do that. Then someone tells you about a group of aviators who flew at age 80 and beyond.
You set a goal, a goal to stay in the air until you can join that unique band of brothers and sisters who proudly call themselves United Flying Octogenarians. The rocking chair can wait. You watch your health, keep your mind active and your flying current. Then with a little bit of God given luck you make it. What a joy! What an accomplishment! You are 80 and you flew.
Now and forevermore you have seat at the table where old pilots go to reminisce and tell each other how good they used to be. Life is good.
​You are a UFO.
© Bob Barker, President Emeritus​

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