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New Member Bio & Photo

New & existing members: please introduce yourself! If you haven't already uploaded your photo & told us a little about yourself, this is the place to do so.

New Members: We encourage you to upload a brief bio with a picture or two for The SQUAWK newsletter.

Bio can include where you live, your aviation experience, what you are hoping to do with the UFOs, current hobbies and activities, family, career, whatever you'd like to share. There are no rules about what needs to be included!

Add a photo or yourself (or two or three!)

Birthday (optional)

Address (optional):

Member Links & Documents

Email for Directory password. Membership will be verified before password is sent.

Renew your membership.

Or, upgrade your membership from Auxiliary Wing to full fledged UFO.

Names, dates, home states/countries, and obituaries (when available) for our UFOs who have gone west in recent years.

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